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Fender 11-Hole '60s Vintage-Style Stratocaster SSS Pickguards - White

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  • Fender 11-hole '60s Vintage-style Stratocaster Sss Pickguards - White - Pickguard - Main picture
  • Ref : 51864
59,99 €
  • Prix bas garantis
  • Garantie uniquement contre défaut de fabrication
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Expédiable en 5 à 7 jours
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Plaque pour guitare électrique Fender '62 Stratocaster Pickguard - White.

One of the really nice things about Fender® instruments is that you can change the look of your instrument with relative ease. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to replace the pickguard. Fender offers a variety of pickguards in different colors and materials to help you add a personal touch to your favorite Fender instrument.

11-Hole Vintage-Style mounting pickguards with S/S/S pickup routing. Unshielded, with truss rod notch and second mounting screw location between neck and middle pickup.

Fits American Vintage ‘62, Hot Rod ‘62 (USA), Road Worn® ‘60s, and Classic Player ‘60s (Mexico) models.
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Fiche Technique

  • 11 mounting-screw holes
  • Unshielded
  • Truss-rod notch
  • For several 1960s-style Stratocaster models with three single-coil pickups

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