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Ssl 500 SERIES 611 EQ

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  • Ssl 500 Series 611 Eq - Equaliseur / Channel Strip - Main picture
  • 919.00 €
  • Ref : 64814
752,00 €
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  • Satisfait ou remboursé
  • Garantie 3 ans
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    [3XFRGRATUIT] => Array
            [taeg] => 0
            [down_payment_amount] => 250.68
            [instalment_amount] => 250.66
            [instalments_total_amount] => 501.32
            [total_credit_amount] => 501.32
            [total_to_pay] => 752
            [interest_amount] => 0
            [from_cache] => 1
            [instalmentsCount] => 3

    [4XFRPAYANT] => Array
            [taeg] => 22.63
            [down_payment_amount] => 206.8
            [instalment_amount] => 188
            [instalments_total_amount] => 545.2
            [total_credit_amount] => 564
            [total_to_pay] => 770.8
            [interest_amount] => 18.8
            [from_cache] => 1
            [instalmentsCount] => 4

    [10XFRPAYANT] => Array
            [taeg] => 16.9
            [down_payment_amount] => 75.2
            [instalment_amount] => 80.21
            [instalments_total_amount] => 676.8
            [total_credit_amount] => 721.89
            [total_to_pay] => 797.09
            [interest_amount] => 45.09
            [from_cache] => 1
            [instalmentsCount] => 10

    [12XFRPAYANT] => Array
            [taeg] => 16.9
            [down_payment_amount] => 62.67
            [instalment_amount] => 67.7
            [instalments_total_amount] => 689.33
            [total_credit_amount] => 744.7
            [total_to_pay] => 807.37
            [interest_amount] => 55.37
            [from_cache] => 1
            [instalmentsCount] => 12

    [3XFRGRATUIT] => Array
            [instalmentsCount] => 3
            [isFree] => 1
            [isPrelevement] => 

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            [instalmentsCount] => 4
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            [isPrelevement] => 

    [10XFRPAYANT] => Array
            [instalmentsCount] => 10
            [isFree] => 
            [isPrelevement] => 

    [12XFRPAYANT] => Array
            [instalmentsCount] => 12
            [isFree] => 
            [isPrelevement] => 

Payez 67.7 € / mois par carte bancaire
  • en 3x4x10x12x
  • Simuler
  • Apport initial:
    62.67 €
  • Mensualités:
    11 x 67.7 €
  • Montant financement:
    689.33 €
  • Coût financement:
    55.37 €
  • Montant total dù:
    744.7 €
  • TAEG fixe:
    16.9 %
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Equaliseur / channel strip

The E-Series EQ Module for 500 Series racks reproduces the legendary sonic signature of an early 80's classic, the Solid State Logic SL 4000 E console channel strip, which has featured on countless classic recordings from the 1980's to the present. The E-Series EQ Module features two different EQ's found on editions of the console produced between 1981 and 1989. Each EQ has unique response curves and tonal character. Historically the type of EQ fitted in an individual console was distinguished by the colors used on the LF knob caps so the two flavors have become known as the 'Brown' and 'Black' EQ's. On the E Series EQ Module you can switch between these two different flavors of EQ that have been loved by generations of professional producers.
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Fiche Technique

  • Immortal SSL 4000 E Series circuitry
  • "Black-242" and "Brown-02" twin EQ design
  • Versatile 4 band channel EQ
  • Bell curve option on HF and LF
  • Fully parametric LMF and HMF with Q
  • Based on classic 611E console channel strip
  • The 'Brown' EQ, featured on the discontinued SSL E-Signature Channel Strip, is now uniquely available on the E-Series EQ Module.

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